The Seasonal Reader

Book of the Month

The Seasonal Reader

To read with the seasons means to read literature that relates to the current season and enhances our experiences.
Or in other words, we read really good books that in one way or another fit the season, making the season and the reading experience even better.


Book of the Month

Book of the month: Carrie by Stephen King


by Stephen King

Our October book is the novel that propelled the Stephen King into the spotlight, his 1974 debut, Carrie. Carrie White is a friendless sixteen year old, her father is dead and her mother is abusive and a religious fanatic. In an effort to making amends for a horrifying incident, Carrie is invited to Prom. Seeing this as a potentially life changing event, Carrie accepts. However, a cruel prank turns Prom night into a nightmare. For everybody.

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